21 Random Facts About Me

  1. My mornings begin at 6.30 am. It's rarely later than that. I feel as if half of my day has passed if I wake up late, so I try to get up early. Moreover it is the quietest time. I try to do a bit of meditation or Pranayam, and then write or study with a cup of tea or Horlicks.
  2. I am a firm believer in early to bed and early to rise. So my day ends at about 10:30 pm. After that I can stay awake only on special occasions like a family or friends get together or a trip. 
  3. I read almost every day. I am reading two novels right now- She loves me, He loves me not by Zeenat Mahal and It's all in the planets by Preeti Shenoy. 
  4. I love watching short and sweet tele series, mini series, and short award winning films. I like watching different ads too in YouTube, as I rarely watch TV to be able to view those. I like watching trailers of movies of different languages- this is something I usually do. 
  5. I love watching Korean series, and would promote those with all my heart. I think they are very sensitive, emotional, and highly imaginative stuff, that can challenge any creative mind. I love the depth in the characters portrayed in the series. Currently watching Scarlett Heart- a historical drama of Goreyon era.
  6. I love sipping. It may be tea, coffee, soup or just Horlicks. I love sipping.
  7. I had started my blog first in Bombadill Publishing website solely for writing poetry. Then in 2009 I started it here to publish my poems and paintings. I used to pen verses then, now it's rarely a poem. 
  8. The first novel I read was in 7th grade. It was 'Molly Moon and The Incredible Book of Hypnotism'. I had loved the book to bits. Hypnotism as a concept was so new to me then. It was a very treasure-hunt like experience.
  9. I am a Cancerian. Way too emotional and Moody. My moods tend to wane and wax like the moon. 
  10. I am spiritual to the core, may not be religious. Rituals interest me but I am not a staunch believer of rituals or pratha. I believe in God, and that universal spirit. I believe that thoughts echo out there in the cosmos and we receive the fruits of our labour in the long run.
  11. I am very talkative if in close groups of friends. I have a lot to share, many deep insights. But those who don't know me deeply find me quiet, silent and not much of a talkative person. 
  12. I love chatting with my sister for hours. We talk a lot when together. We have diverse topics which never tend to exhaust. She is my go-to person in every case. 
  13. I have an OCD with creased bed sheets. I just can't stand it. They have to be clean and neatly spread every single time. Or else I do it myself. 
  14. I have been keeping a diary every year for the last ten to thirteen years. Have lost a few of them, old ones with drawings and copies of poems from children's magazines. I jotted down my memories in them, every good and bad day's events.
  15. I forget things very easily. Therefore I keep journals, diaries, notes with to-do lists. Without those I am nothing. I also click many pics of events or recipes I make, just so that I would remember it all. 
  16. I love to try variety of soups. My recent indulgence. Dumpling soup is my recent favorite.
  17. I like to chop vegetables. A lot. It feels like great therapy to be. I can sit for hours and chop as finely as you'd want.
  18. Writing is a therapy for me. A meditation. I love it. I can be most authentic and original and totally myself without any inhibition while writing. I love writing long letters to my best friends.
  19. I do quarrel with my sister. I do shout at unreasonable and quarrelsome auto drivers at times. I do fight with friends. I am not all quiet, meek and timid as some might think me to be. I can be as terrifying as a red-eyed ghost, when it comes to it. I had once run after a masked 'ghost' in a horror house with umbrella, after trying to pull out his mask.
  20. I do not like pumpkin. I love vegetables. I hate mutton. I like fish, egg and chicken. I can just manage prawn. 
  21. I am scared of cow. I am scared of riding cycle, or scooty though I know it perfectly well with years of experience. 

Linking the post to #UBC , and #DailyChatter.


Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

  Queeristan (Amazon Link) Thanks to Audible Free Trial I listened to this amazing non-fiction on LGBTQ inclusion in Indian workplaces. Author Parmesh Sahani identifies as gay Indian, working closely with Godrej higher management and employees for years to create an inclusive workplace, both legally and in spirit. This book is a result of those years of experience, research, collaboration with individuals from difference spectrum of the society and organizations who has successfully transitioned into a queer friendly one.   Indian history is inclusive. From the Khajuraho temple architectures, to Konark to the Rig Veda, there is existing proofs even 2000 years ago of Indian inclusiveness of queer. It’s the draconian British law that criminalised it, which was scraped in 2009, came into effect once again following a sad judgement in 2013 and eventually was scraped off for good in 2018. I am in awe of the lawyers who fought this legal battle- colleagues and partners – Arundhati Katju

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