
Showing posts from 2011

Book review: Wake unto me by Lisa Cach

Now, this is a book that lets you escape into the 16 th century, from the present 2011 in France—Chateau de la Fortune, which is situated at the edge of a cliff and a river flows artistically around it. The backdrop presents the lush greenlands, farms, rustic landscapes, villages and mysterious forests along with many other beautiful natural scenic views. But for me the castle itself was the best part of it. The medieval castle that gave you a grand royal feel the moment you entered; the antique pieces and the archaic architecture that brought the past to the present….the big, enormous halls, and doorways with double locks…the stone stairways, the carpets, the fireplace, the great grand library…would make you feel so regal…so kinglike..I just love this setting!!! Caitlyn is a character you can easily identify with. A girl with dreams and wishes. Though she’s today’s girl, she is not interested in modern lifestyle. She wants to escape into the past; somehow escape

The Play of Consciousness

Our own consciousness plays numerous games- one cannot distinguish when one is totally conscious or is subconscious or unconscious. An illusion creates itself in each of these phases. When you are conscious, this illusion lasts longer; when subconscious, illusion is a bit shorter in length. But the illusions are the best when unconscious. We call the conscious world as reality; the subconscious world as imagination (or daydream); and the unconscious world as dream. But the true fact is that all of them are illusions indeed. When you are wide awake, alert, and in the present; you say that you are in the real world. But when deep in sleep, even dreams appear and feel as real as that. Only after you wake up, you realize that it was but a dream. So, then what is the conclusion? The conclusion or the inference- as we call it is that, thoughts make the world we live in. Remember that story “Going Places”, prescribed in ISC syllabus. In Sophie’s case, her imagination or subconscious worl

Thoughts in Bits and Pieces

Life goes on. Time accelerates; it never makes a reverse journey. Past is past- lost forever? It can only be alive in the memories and albums and diaries. We possess so many things sometimes, all that make us remember the past, both happy and sad times. Slam books, hall tickets, bills, posters, autograph books, write-ups, and pages from an old notebook, gift wrappers, pen caps, pencil stubs, blunt sharpeners… and many more. We are emotional beings. Family, friends, and all the things that give us emotional support are close to our heart. The pet dog that gives a peaceful company in the daily evening stroll, the roses in the garden- we cling to almost every little pleasure as if it is our last bit of happiness. ((((( There are certain things in this world- certain things in particular that make me take deep breathe. Things that make me feel immense awe and wonder…thrill ecstasy… Those that make me feel the unknown…a feeling of joy so profound that…’s indescribable

Demi Lovato - Gift Of A Friend - Official Music Video **with lyrics on S...

This song is one of my favorite songs on friendship..

A Day will Come

A day will come When your heart will rush You will feel a feeling New altogether Your steady eyes will wander Through the crowd Searching that perfect face That was not even A part of your day, yesterday But today, is your life That perfect face For whom your heart beats, Who makes your world complete, You realise Is already staring at you From within the crowd A river of feelings brush against you A satisfaction of being missed A longing quenched suddenly A sense of being happy Arrived so unexpectedly A sense of chagrin that spreads When you notice You are basking in that unhindered gaze That prolonged eye lock That makes your heart flutter And you are unable to pull back your eyes You feel the heat rushing up to your cheeks And that perfect face smiles at your blush Turning his gaze down To your relief. Your day is done Every breeze feels soothing Every flower seems beautiful Every moment is happy, happier Your world is changed Now someone occu

Letters 2

In the serial ‘Gulaal’, we see Kesar (after a ten year’s leap) writing letters to Gulaal but never posting them; just treasuring them in his own drawer. He has written everything in those letters. Every feeling, every emotion that touched him in the last ten years that he spent in hostel, away from his village, his family and Gulaal. Starting from the anger that burns him; the questions that intrigue him; the confusion about what the truth actually is; the feeling of missing Gulaal deeply; the longing to meet her and talk to her – everything has found a place in those letters. But every time she came to visit him in the hostel, his angry side would resurface, and he wouldn’t even come in front of her or meet her. He would just hide somewhere in the corridor and watch her leave. Then again when she would not be there, his eyes would search for her. Kesar’s emotional turmoil is a theme in itself. And those letters are an entity in themselves – very essential part of the story; the pi


‘Roop ki rani Choron ka raja’- the hit Bollywood movie of its times starring Sridevi and Anil Kapur, had pigeons delivering letters and secret messages to people on Anil’s directions. He would put a folded piece of paper in between its beak and the trusted ‘kabootar’ would fly off to Sridevi. She would then send her reply in a chit safely put in a locket and tied around the pigeon’s neck. This seems to be so interesting today. In ‘Harry potter’, Harry, Hermoine, and Ron would send letters to one another in their vacations through their pet owls. Harry’s pet owl, the beautiful white one, would dutifully do its job of delivering the letters to his friends, to Padfoot, Sirius Black and Dumbledore, and return to Harry in time. In Hogwarts too, students would receive letters and gifts from their parents and guardians on special occasions- all delivered by owls. Letters in today’s modern world are very rare. Cell phones and internet facilities have replaced it almost completely. Today

Passing Thoughts

Sometimes little things, almost trivial nothings, affect you measures; make you think over again and again. These petty nothings sometimes make you turn a new leaf. Yesterday I was reading “Chicken Soup for the soul”. Being a mystery and suspense lover, it was at first a bit boring for me. But as I continued, I found myself immersed in all the feeling that the book poured into me. I loved every page, every bit and piece of it. Little daily happenings that hint at the divine presence, and love and care in mankind, overwhelmed me. Stories told by the ones who experienced their little good genie can make you smile, think deep and cry with joy. Little joys make your day and become your best memories. Drenching yourself in the first monsoon rain; getting track of your favourite song after years; discovering hand-written letters from someone dear in your shelf; and getting a phone call from a childhood friend whom you had no contact with for years – all are little happenings that fi


Again I plunge into sadness Knowing that I am all alone I had tried to grip on happiness But it would go, I had always known. Sometimes I tell myself to search Search the moments of joy hidden in some corner Search the moments that I love so much Little moments, little minutes, however minor. I cling to my last pleasures As nothing is permanent Happy memories hurt me now to unknown measures And I try hard to live in the present. I feel everyone whom I love Who are so close to me Going further; further away they move I can’t pull’em back; just let it be… I feel lonely, deeply lonely And suffocate in the vacuum all around Everyone talks harshly, angrily I weep to my bed and keep mum. I feel I have become a recluse A vexing realisation My own self, I feel to lose A hollow sensation.

o almighty

In the grandeur that the firmament boasts of, In the majestic glory that the trees show of, In the ancience that these monuments relate to, In all these numerous manifestations, O God I find you. In the undaunted pride that a lion displays, In the heroic tales that every culture reverberates, In the lore of love of every land, I feel you there; there you stand. The crimson pink of today’s setting sun, The bluish hue of tomorrow’s morning dawn, The natural landscape’s green beauty, All echo your presence, O almighty.


Neither can one see, nor can one hear, What the future does bear. He plans, He destines, loves too and does keep. But no mind can ever conceive, What awaits for the ones, His dear. What hope can I have, so, Leave everything for tomorrow. Indeed, the time has come too sudden, To say goodbye. The ruling destiny Never lets you dominate; But memories, how can they ever die? Bitter are the plays of fortune And sweet are the little merry moments, The ones that keep life tuned. Pits and falls, ups and downs, Laughter and laments. Yet future knows we shall meet Perhaps, on your or my birthday treat! And as does approach the farewell day, I know not what to say, My thoughts seem to cloud, And there’s a hazy vision all around, Yet, I have memories with me And you do have contact, live with glee. Still, when metres turn into kilometres, Kilometres to miles, More and more do I see you Your tears and your smiles. When my vision f

Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

  Queeristan (Amazon Link) Thanks to Audible Free Trial I listened to this amazing non-fiction on LGBTQ inclusion in Indian workplaces. Author Parmesh Sahani identifies as gay Indian, working closely with Godrej higher management and employees for years to create an inclusive workplace, both legally and in spirit. This book is a result of those years of experience, research, collaboration with individuals from difference spectrum of the society and organizations who has successfully transitioned into a queer friendly one.   Indian history is inclusive. From the Khajuraho temple architectures, to Konark to the Rig Veda, there is existing proofs even 2000 years ago of Indian inclusiveness of queer. It’s the draconian British law that criminalised it, which was scraped in 2009, came into effect once again following a sad judgement in 2013 and eventually was scraped off for good in 2018. I am in awe of the lawyers who fought this legal battle- colleagues and partners – Arundhati Katju

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