All That Makes Us Human: An incoherent diary entry
Let's talk about boundaries. How do we understand and realize our boundaries in a relationship? Parent, sibling, partner, friend- which ever relation might it be, how do we put a finger on what is an excess? How much exactly is too much? Tracking your daughter’s phone without her permission- is it okay or are you over protecting? Or are you crossing a moral boundary of privacy? Calling your partner repetitively in the middle of the night to ramble your emotional dilemmas, without a bother about his/her sleep cycle and health- isn’t it a misplaced sense of entitlement? It’s a child’s behaviour, seeking attention and importance, in my opinion. Imposing on your friend, seeking more of her time than she can spare, since she has to go back home to her partner, are your boundaries in their right place? The more you justify your behaviour, the more you are at fault. A person plays a lot of roles- someone’s child, sibling, roommate, and so on. He’s an individual too. We have to set ...