Burst That Ego If You Want Genuine Connections In Life

Source : Quotefancy

"When the ego dies, the soul awakes." - Mahatma Gandhi

Why do you have such a huge ego? You cannot wear your family's name on your sleeve as an identity forever. The world wouldn't see you through the eyes of your parents who have pampered you so much for the better part of your life. Here in the real world, you will get what you give. Respect begets respect. Selfishness begets selfishness. Hate begets hate. And your 'i don't care', 'i don't give a damn', 'i am paying money for that', 'i will do as I please' attitude will give you the same.

Respect is earned. Agreed. But you should give it first to earn it back. The other person should and must be respected by default despite his class, caste, job and family background, until and unless he proves unworthy of it with time. I stand strongly by this belief.

There can be no excuse for disregard. The way you speak to me about people tells me the way you might be speaking about me to someone else. Spiteful talks do no good. Loose gossips do no good. Judging people for their action without even being interested to know about the context and situation is the worst form of addiction. A disease. It's just a huge loss- not understanding the worth of true human connection. You don't know what a great blessing you are missing on.

The most pampered kids- your kind- go out into the world under a spell, a halo of sorts, that they are the best, and they deserve it all, their needs should be a priority and no one dare cross them. They don't even realize that they are being selfish. They are not taught the handy tools - adjusting, sharing, and accommodating. Like you, they don't know how to put another person before them; they don't even think about it. 

The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power because it lives in fear.

— Deepak Chopra

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  1. Very well penned post. One thing that I value the most in my life is relationships, connections, friendships. I am not a person who would carry my ego with me. I believe in clearing the air if there are any differences of thought or opinions. But there is a thin line between ego and self respect. I don't compromise when its comes to self respect.

    1. I agree with you. Self respect shouldn't be compromised, for anything at all.

      But a person who talks really well with you, but rudely with the waiter, is egotistical. And I also sometimes think that ego is just a thick wall around oneself, protecting one's vulnerable self, but also creating a huge distance from people around.

  2. Respect should be given irrespective of class, caste, job and family background. Absolutely right. I wish people realized that.

    1. Some people are just not aware- brought up in an environment where respect is given naturally- and they need a surrounding to learn from. There are so many sides of the same coin.....

  3. ""If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person." - Dave Barry

  4. Ego is something which makes you forget a difference between respect and disrespect. It blinds you and your thoughts. A thought provoking post.

    1. And it does make you less humane. Nothing can beat the role of humility and genuineness in establishing deep human connections.

  5. thought provoking words pratikshya. i love the content on judging.

  6. Very inspirational post.
    Agree that just letting your ego board the next level spoils relations. Give and take respect. Live and let live should be the motto.

  7. Perfectly said Pratikshya. Ego is the smallest of words, but it comes with an impact thats of a magnanimous size. Human connections sans ego is what we need to aim to achieve.

  8. Well said! Ego is the bane of most people's life - it can ruin relationships and lives forever. However, I feel a little pride or ego is a must - it helps a person sustain himself in trying times.

  9. so true.. respect begets respect et al.
    I absolutely concur with you.

  10. Ego kills a relationship first and then slowly kills the person. I truly understand this! I am a fine example of ego once in a while when it shows up its head. I know what it does and I am happy to push it aside and do what I am meant to at times! I bet it makes a habit to do it every single time! Very good post Pratikshya! Admire your writing!

  11. Very inspirational! It is true - Respect begets respect.

  12. Indeed ego is just the mask that people wears and to have pure relations it needs to be kept at bay.

  13. Very true, I wish everybody realizes this :) World would be a happy place!

  14. I love the way you highlighted this topic and chose to write on it. I am a person who would talk to everyone around and never expect anything in return. I don't feel like showing attitude or being egoistic to anyone. Yes, I tend to get angry but I know to value relationships and can apologize to anyone and anywhere. P.s. I'm not self boasting, just felt like sharing something about me as I've seen people suffering due to Ego Issues, especially men.#vigorousreads #MyFriendAlexa

  15. I am yet to understand what 'false ego' truly means! But what I know for sure is there is thin line between ego and false ego. While false ego is a bane as you rightly said, sometimes having a little ego seems practical. However, what's important is, you need to be aware of where you are heading.

  16. Very Well said- "The most pampered kids- your kind- go out into the world under a spell, a halo of sorts, that they are the best, and they deserve it all, their needs should be a priority and no one dare cross them."
    Before keeping a high EGO we should also think how our pampered kids will copy that and might face difficulty with real world

  17. Very well said. A sense of entitlement distances us from others.

  18. Respect is the key to any relation. Ego only hurts

  19. Very well written Pratikshya! A person with Ego loses the ability to judge between right and wrong and keeps losing people and eventually evrrything!
    I hope everyone understands this and it will be a happy world! #MyFriendAlexa #SurReads

  20. very well said, I agree ego is the main reason behind so many problems in human relationship. loved your point of view.

  21. You have conveyed the most important lesson of life so brilliantly. I was recently asked the question - How you tackle ego clashes between you and your partner if any? Answer came direct from heart - If it's LOVE, there is no place for EGO.

  22. Agree with your points on ego being the bad thing. More than hurting others... it's self destructive.

    But you assume people get egoistic coz of the family name & background! Quite an assumption! If that was so... I wouldn't be try to be less egotistic. I was never pampered with lots of money or a name card that I could play to get my away and yet... ego...

  23. Oh how good the world would be in case people left their ego's at bay. I too understand it can ruin relationships. I've had my fair share where I let my ego do the talking. That hurts as I did lose few good people on the way. Today, I feel i'm a better man but have a long way to go!

  24. If I analyze myself I am not egoistic , I can say sorry whenever I am wrong but few days ago I had a conversation with one of my friends which turned bitter as she found something wrong in my behaviour (online one ) and she called me 'manipulative' . Its not possible to explain the whole plot but this word is just not getting out of my head . Is it my ego which is acting as a barrier ?

  25. Ego really breaks you down and you get up not getting anything you aspired. thats such a well drafted post. Glad I got a chance to read it

  26. Self respect makes you better, but need to understand the fine line between self respect and ego. Ego can break many relations

  27. One needs to understand the difference between ego and self respect. Ego can break many relations

  28. Absolutely! Your heading says it all. We donned to keep working on ourselves.

  29. Nice thought...Life is a battle against the domination of ego. And we don't know how to let go the ego. It keeps building on us and once it gets the grip on us, we are trapped and we get dictated by the power of our ego. Ego is nothing but a false image of ours which we get deeply attached and we look at the world through that colored prism. Not easy to come out and we adopt many things and different ways to break free but the task is daunting. It needs awareness and it calls for sustained effort to fight the evil in us and get back the real image of ours.


  30. The ego really doesn't help.This is a very insightful poSt.

  31. Thought provoking read...People often confuse ego with self-respect.. world would be a better place leaving egos aside.

  32. What a valid post in today's times of instant gratification and fake relationships. By embracing 'Empathy' , one surely overcomes ego issues..I wish many of us understand the value of true relationships in this materialistic world.


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Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

  Queeristan (Amazon Link) Thanks to Audible Free Trial I listened to this amazing non-fiction on LGBTQ inclusion in Indian workplaces. Author Parmesh Sahani identifies as gay Indian, working closely with Godrej higher management and employees for years to create an inclusive workplace, both legally and in spirit. This book is a result of those years of experience, research, collaboration with individuals from difference spectrum of the society and organizations who has successfully transitioned into a queer friendly one.   Indian history is inclusive. From the Khajuraho temple architectures, to Konark to the Rig Veda, there is existing proofs even 2000 years ago of Indian inclusiveness of queer. It’s the draconian British law that criminalised it, which was scraped in 2009, came into effect once again following a sad judgement in 2013 and eventually was scraped off for good in 2018. I am in awe of the lawyers who fought this legal battle- colleagues and partners – Arundhati Katju

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