Book Review: The Temple of Avinasi

Synopsis: “From the ashes of Epic Wars shall the great Lord of Dark rise, So terrible his wrath, every protestor shall demise… Ripped apart would be the Shield and the protecting forces, A whole world shall fall, mortal or otherwise…” “A heroic tale timed in modern age -- a battle of existence between evil and the good, bred on the ashes of the four thousand year old legendary Epic Wars. The ‘Immortal Protectors’ of the Temple are finding it hard to maintain control over a new rising evil power, far greater in magnitude than the previous war. The Shield that protects Earth from external attacks had stopped the invading Dark Seekers, also called Nishachars -- a fled group from some distant dying planet -- for long. Until four thousand years ago … when the shield was ruptured, and the entire mortal world turned on the edge of demolition. It was then the immortal protectors, the Light Seekers, ...