A to Z Theme Reveal
I love stories. I need stories to survive, to be sane. Stories that offer a short vacation from the real world. Stories that help the escapist in me. I always carry my daily dose of fiction and nonfiction with me- movies, novels, ebooks, newspaper, blogs, and magazines. Any one of these would make my day complete. So with the several books that I have read and the hundred or so movies that I have watched, I have come across numerous characters. I have made acquaintances with some, and fallen deeply for a few. Some have enthralled me to no end and some have frustrated and disgusted me in equal measure. So here’s to those characters I don’t ever want to forget- the protagonists, leads, wallflowers, side-kicks, under dogs and doormats that I have cherished with all my heart. Revealing the theme with the sound of bells, drums and cymbals reverberating in the background. J ‘CHARACTERS’ So throughout the month of April I’m going to blog about the characters that have made an ...