SuperTraits of Superstars- A Review

I received the book ‘Supertraits of Superstars- Success stories of Bollywood’s Biggest’ by Priyanka Sinha Jha, from the author through The Tales Pensieve Book Review Program. Inspiration and motivation come wherever we seek them from. Like the lives of great personalities from world history and polity, lives of our own Bollywood stars can inspire us too. Author Priyanka Sinha Jha has compiled mini-biographies of eleven stars of Bollywood, highlighting their unique traits and strengths that make them what they are. Some of them are superstars in the pinnacle of their success still working and enjoying the fruit of labour, still pushing their limits saying learning is a continuous process. Some of them are the game-changers, making the assumed impossible finally possible through their constant efforts and risk taking attitudes. The author has focused on their early life, struggle, accomplishments, achievements and what we readers can learn from it and inculcate in our lives. A...