2024 Wrap Up

The blank page seems daunting. Even for jotting down the highs and lows of this year- 2024. But try I will. It’s been long I have blogged just for the sake of blogging, not for a sponsored book review, not for a blog hop, just plain and simple purpose of curating my thoughts. I saw the archives and seems I just posted 5 posts this year. Well, motherhood and mood swings have taken away most of the zeal and enthusiasm from me, and the low readership of the blog does for the rest. All me-time goes to binge watching K-drama while I should be catching up on my sleep schedules. I had the luxury of reading though, through thick and thin. And I managed to clear few interviews and get offer letters and resign at my current company, though I am yet to get onboarded. We traveled quite a bit with family too. Huge win. And our home couldn’t be more disheveled as it is lively currently with an active toddler who is a few months shy of speaking. So, it’s a cycle of cuddling, throwing, spitting, ...