Sunday Scribbling
I don't really know what has gotten into me these days. May be I really don't know what I want to do for creativity department anymore. Earlier, I used to watch the sitcoms people around me didn't even know about, I used to read books by authors they weren't that acquainted with, I introduced them to all such new exciting unventured arenas. I painted sometimes when others though talented couldn't spare time. There was so much bewilderment and wonderment in me then, which seems to have lessened, or just overshadowed by practicality. I haven't been overwhelmed to be compelled to write since I don't remember when. I have lost my touch. Of course I post here to practice it once again, in an attempt to bring it back, but who knows. I don't imagine that vividly again now. May be age has taken over. I don't day dream. I have to-do lists now, for that matter. And even blogs are becoming a thing of the past these days. Instagram posts with long captions have