
White Blood by Nanak Singh

Author: Nanak Singh Translator: Dilraj Singh Suri Publisher: Hachette India Language: English Paperback: 272 pages Genre: History, Religion, Legends Buy at :  Amazon Synopsis White Blood is a significant novel by Nanak Singh, first published in 1932. Recognized for its literary and historical importance, this novel is a milestone in Punjabi literature, steering it towards realism. It intricately portrays Punjabi life, analyzing characters with depth and psychological insight. The plot is meticulously crafted, interwoven with dramatic situations and irony, offering a satirical view on societal wrongdoings. The novel is celebrated for its vivid scenes, such as the hardships of writers, the juggler Rodu's aspirations for Sundri, the illicit wine production by Pala Singh, and the dramatic transformation of Anwar's life. Through these elements, Nanak Singh paints a brilliant picture of early 20th-century Punjab.   Review of the Book White Blood is a masterpiece by

What's your Axone? #BlogchatterFoodFest

  Have you ever been judged for your food choices? Ever had frowning looks bombarding you from every direction for having a chicken sandwich in a hostel with vegetarian majority? Or worse, gorging it on a Monday? Has anyone labeled your favorite delicacy as foul and smelly? Or have you ever scrunched your nose in disgust at someone else’s plate? Perhaps we all would have at least one such experience in our lifetimes. In Odisha, ‘sukhua’ or sun-dried fish generously coated with salt is a delicacy in several places, salt acts as a preservative and it can be stored for months. But the preparation causes such an olfactory havoc, that even someone with closed doors and windows would know that the neighbor is cooking it. There is no hiding or denying the smell. It pervades all nooks and crannies and makes its presence known. Even a child can recognize it. It is that memorable. You will either love it or hate it with a vengeance. Though I do not know how to prepare it, I enjoy the dish prep

Food and Memories #BlogchatterFoodFest

Food carries memories. Nostalgia. It brings back those mornings when Baba would cut veggies for Maggi that I would be preparing. Mama would do other chores at a relaxed pace till lunch time. And Cherry, my sister would grudgingly wake up at the wafting smell of Maggi masala. Baba swore by his veggies, and so did I, much to the disbelief and horror of my mother and sister. Capsicum, carrot, beans, potato, cauliflower, cabbage, onion, tomato, beet, green peas, even parwal went into our Maggi. It is delish, just try. Even mustard oil gives that Indian kick to Maggi. Years later when I prepare the same for me and my husband, it’s no news that he complains of too many veggies. It brings back those evenings when Mama prepared jackfruit cutlets to be had as snack with puffed rice. Power cuts and summer heat and breezy terraces. Chai cups and bowls of puffed rice with cutlets on top. Mama’s prepared cold coffee, custard, and Baba’s bel sherbet. It brings back those days when we sisters exp

Under the Bakula Tree

Buy At: Amazon   Pages: 55 Author : Prasannakumary Raghavan Genre : Fiction Format : eBook Publisher : Self-published on Amazon KDP Book Blurb: Sorrowful, traumatic, and intensely romantic,  Under the Bakula Tree , set in Kerala , is the story of a widow tormented by patriarchal traditions. A mother of two, she finds love again, but as a widow, it is forbidden. Then something happens; a sisterhood turns a corner, ready to take up her challenge. They meet under an old Bakula tree, where Sara finds the secrets to find love again. My Review: 'Under the Bakula Tree' is a short story on female friendship, sisterhood and resilience in the face of the world.  In the heart of this narrative lies the intertwined destinies of three remarkable women. Leading the trio is Sara, a resilient widow and devoted mother of two, who confronts societal barriers head-on in her quest to rediscover her self-assurance and independence. Yet, her path is fraught with challenges; in a society that scrutin

Mad Sisters of Esi

·         Publisher ‏ : ‎  HarperCollins India (29 September 2023) ·         Language ‏ : ‎  English ·         Paperback ‏ : ‎  424 pages ·         Genre : Fantasy ·         Buy At : Amazon   Book Blurb: Myung and Laleh are keepers of the whale of babel. They roam within its cosmic chambers, speak folktales of themselves, and pray to an enigmatic figure they know only as 'Great Wisa'. To Laleh, this is everything. For Myung, it is not enough. When Myung flees the whale, she stumbles into a new universe where shapeshifting islands and ancient maps hold sway. There, she sets off on an adventure that is both tragic and transformative, for her and Laleh. For at the heart of her quest lies a mystery that has confounded scholars for centuries: the truth about the mad sisters of Esi. Fables, dreams and myths come together in this masterful work of fantasy by acclaimed author Tashan Mehta, sweeping across three landscapes, and featuring a museum of collective memory a

SimSim By Geet Chaturvedi

  ·         Publisher ‏ : ‎  Penguin (6 February 2023); Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd. ·         Language ‏ : ‎  English ·         Hardcover ‏ : ‎  296 pages ·         Buy At         : Amazon   Book Blurb: Old Basar Mal remembers his love and homeland that he lost in Sindh, Pakistan during the Partition. A young graduate gets into an imaginary relationship with a girl at a yellow window. The Mumbai land mafia is after Basar Mal and his library. A chatty book cover relates the plight of books. A silent Mangan's ma washes and feeds a plastic doll she thinks is her son. Poignantly written by Geet Chaturvedi, a major Hindi writer, and beautifully translated by Anita Gopalan, Simsim is a struggle between memory, imagination, and reality- an exquisitely crafted book that fuses the voices of remarkable yet relatable characters to weave a tale of seeking happiness, fulfilling passion, and reconciling with loss. Simsim is charming, and wonderfully original.   Book Re

Strange stories of Cults - A List

1. Wild Wild Country 2. Midsommar / Wicker Man - Read more here 3. The Family Upstairs - Read Book Review here 4. Offering to the storms ( Baztan Trilogy) - Read more here 5. House of Secrets : The Burari Deaths 6. The Jonestown Massacre - Jim Jones who led a mass suicide of 900+ people. 7. Under the banner of heaven This post is a part of  Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023 .  

Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

  Queeristan (Amazon Link) Thanks to Audible Free Trial I listened to this amazing non-fiction on LGBTQ inclusion in Indian workplaces. Author Parmesh Sahani identifies as gay Indian, working closely with Godrej higher management and employees for years to create an inclusive workplace, both legally and in spirit. This book is a result of those years of experience, research, collaboration with individuals from difference spectrum of the society and organizations who has successfully transitioned into a queer friendly one.   Indian history is inclusive. From the Khajuraho temple architectures, to Konark to the Rig Veda, there is existing proofs even 2000 years ago of Indian inclusiveness of queer. It’s the draconian British law that criminalised it, which was scraped in 2009, came into effect once again following a sad judgement in 2013 and eventually was scraped off for good in 2018. I am in awe of the lawyers who fought this legal battle- colleagues and partners – Arundhati Katju

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