
Showing posts from April, 2014

Lost Love

A 55 fiction by Namrata- Ria held the photograph tightly to her chest and cried. She cried for her. She cried for him. She cried for them. “If you are a dream, I never want to wake up” he would say, making her blush. But today those words of his are hurting her the most, for he didn’t wake up... ****************************************************************************** They say the lesser the words one uses to express oneself, the deeper and richer are his/ her thoughts. But conveying a thought, an emotion, or even an element of shock in just 55 words was never my cup of tea. I learn a tip or two from Privy Trifles , aka Namrata, whose words, I'm so glad to have as a guest post. “It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Well, that's my ambition too...  

Book Review: 'Love, That Shit!' by Chandru Bhojwani

‘Love, That Shit!’ by Chandru Bhojwani is published by Om Books International (2013), and is priced Rs.165 for paperback and Rs.157 for the kindle version in It is a non-fiction of the self help genre. I received the ebook from the author for the reviewing purpose. The themes in the book basically revolve round love, relationships and all the baggage that comes with it, especially in India. Inspiring at times and hilarious in between, it deals with the emotional and mental dilemmas of individuals in or out of a relationship. It gives ideas to tackle problems, for people with different perspectives. If not that, then it provides an outsider’s point of view giving a funny angle to the mess, in the least. “Holding on to what’s not meant to be in your life will only corrode you from the inside out and eventually you won’t be able to blame anyone except the person in the mirror.”   “It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.” I enjoyed reading every c

When I Look At The Stars...

I love Do Min Joon’s library. It’s a huge, gigantic one, containing books from Josheon era to modern times; handwritten ones to printed and published ones. I wish I had so much of time as he has, to read on variety of subjects, learn and master numerous skills, and live under multiple identities. The prospect is so fanciful. I had liked this male protagonist in earlier dramas too. He’s of the very popular Dream High fame, and The Moon That Embraces The Sun fame. His portrayal of Sam Dong- a rustic unpolished boy rising to fame through his singing talents, in an academy and surviving through the tragedy of becoming deaf gradually- had tugged at my heartstrings. It remains one of my favorite characterizations till date. He’s a gifted and a very convincing actor. I liked the character of Chang Seung too. Her favorite ‘chicken and beer’ has become a favorite of South Korea. Her antics are sometimes comical and crazy, and sometimes touching and sentimental. It was hilariou

You Who Came From The Stars

        A spaceship from another planet lands on earth, in the Josheon era. The people i.e. the aliens explore their place of landing- the nature, the plants, the animals and the humankind inhabiting it. They take samples of minerals, medicinal saplings, and observe the way of life of the humans. They return after satiating their curiosities about earth, the planet that looks so beautiful from space, from their sky. But by a twist of fate, and entangling of destinies, one of them is left behind while saving a young widow from death.   He lives on earth, adapting to its climate, food, and people and learning the native language. He knows he is not abandoned, and that he has to wait for a long time to return to his home. He is a fast learner, and has superhuman abilities, as per the earthlings’ standards. So meanwhile, he reads a lot of books and learns a lot many skills- those required for survival and some as a hobby. He can teleport within a particular distance, ca

Why read 'Divergent'..

I had read ‘Divergent’ by Veronika Roth in 2011. It was my first time ever, reading a futuristic dystopian novel. And I had loved it, quite unexpectedly. I had loved the characters Tris and Four, or Beatrice and Tobias. Four still remains one of my favorite characters in modern day novels. While the country was still swooning over Edward and Jacob, I had discovered Four, and was proud of it. I recommended the book to all my friends interested in reading, and they too shared the same love and starry eyes for Divergent. When one year later I got to know that it was to be adapted to a movie, my joy knew no bounds. I was just so excited. Well, actually, we were just so excited. Veronika Roth was just 23 when the first book in the trilogy was published. And it became such a phenomenal success. The other two books in the series have also been published- ‘Insurgent’ and ‘Allegiant’. Though I am yet to read these books, they are also equally successful, given the rave rev

First Impressions

First impression is never the last. The first deduction and inference is never the actual conclusion. With time everything changes- perspectives, viewpoints, our judgements about a person or a situation, our assumptions and our suppositions. Things, after all, may not be what they seem. The grey characters overwhelm our minds- not the good or the bad ones, mind, but they who seem something at the beginning but after layers and layers of deconstruction become quite different beings. Like those characters having both dark and light shades, we are surrounded by people who seem ambiguous. #Studying People, Understanding Minds, Solving thoughts

Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

  Queeristan (Amazon Link) Thanks to Audible Free Trial I listened to this amazing non-fiction on LGBTQ inclusion in Indian workplaces. Author Parmesh Sahani identifies as gay Indian, working closely with Godrej higher management and employees for years to create an inclusive workplace, both legally and in spirit. This book is a result of those years of experience, research, collaboration with individuals from difference spectrum of the society and organizations who has successfully transitioned into a queer friendly one.   Indian history is inclusive. From the Khajuraho temple architectures, to Konark to the Rig Veda, there is existing proofs even 2000 years ago of Indian inclusiveness of queer. It’s the draconian British law that criminalised it, which was scraped in 2009, came into effect once again following a sad judgement in 2013 and eventually was scraped off for good in 2018. I am in awe of the lawyers who fought this legal battle- colleagues and partners – Arundhati Katju

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