Being The Person I Am
Taking certain decisions and making choices in life is
tough. Considering pros and cons and then arriving at a perfect resolution is
hard. Regrets however small and minuscule are bound to surface. But finding a
way around this to make both the alternatives possible in life is the best gift
you give yourself. Rather than choosing an option- this ‘Or’ that, why not
decide the priority and say- this now, and the other a bit later.
Recalling a few similar decision making incidents in my life,
I think there are many. In the intermediate level, we had to choose an optional
subject- biology or computer, and both were my favorites. Schools really don’t
fathom that students can be unconventional. I chose biology, but my interest
and curiosity for computers didn't die. Later in my undergraduate level (B.Tech
) given the opportunity I indulged completely in programming and coding, and
did come out with flying colors. Then again I had to choose between pursuing
English Honors and Engineering. I chose the latter, but my love for literature
and writing is still as strong as ever. Reading and writing have become my
passion, they define me. Blogging proved to be the best medium to give
expression to my voice and vent all that was pent up. I really like doing this-
reading, reviewing, expressive writing, and simultaneously rediscovering me.
There have been times when I kept pushing my limits for
more, and surprisingly I could do much more than I gave myself credit for. And
yet again I am standing at the crossroads of choosing a career path. I will
have to choose once again, make a decision. But whichever road I take, I have
decided never to let go of creative juices- my dreams and my passion.
I am weird. I am complicated. I am multitasking and multidimensional.
I’ve multiple sides- the kind side, the shy and introverted side, and even the bold side which you dare not provoke. I’m Me. Love being Me.
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