Musings Over Coffee

If we were having coffee I would tell you about all the things I am excited about in the second half of 2018. And, all the things that I am worried about; also the things I experienced in the past six months.

Coming back to Bhubaneswar- home sweet home from Hyderabad after long was awesome. There's no place as good as home. Then the first few months went by with exams and preparations. But after March I spent a lot of time just being. Reading, writing, blogging, and visiting friends and family.

I really got to do things that I had always hoped and wished for. A vacation. At home. With parents. I read numerous novels and short stories. I caught up with my mother tongue. Read two Oriya novels. I wrote a fair bit for my blog. I actively participated in writing festivals, blogging challenges, and volunteered for writing community online programs. It was so much fun. I won vouchers too. Splurged a few times on novels. I also cooked quite a bit, helped my mother around the kitchen, attended many weddings, visited my relatives, had that 'once in a blue moon' family trip and loved the feel of just being. Of course, there was a career related worry of what the future would bring which had me studying a bit initially, but thanks to the universe things are now finally sorted.

It was a beautiful part of my life, which I will cherish forever. These six months.

As I begin my new life at Dehradun preparing myself for college and academics, I hope my stay here too will be a memorable one. I also hope to write for my blog regularly, at least once a week. The scenic beauty here is very inviting, though getting adjusted to the locale will take time. New life brings in new adventures, friends, challenges, and perspectives. I am open to all these experiences that life has to bestow.

So often it happens that we forget what we had once wished for, that we don't realize when it gets fulfilled. The universe does listen to our deepest desires and dreams. In 2017 I had wanted a long vacation, a short termed carefree life at home. And I now realize that I did get that. I also wanted to actually live in the mountains, amidst trees, with good company and have an awesome view from the terrace. I can see that materializing in these two years now. I feel blessed. Calm. And grateful.

How's your life coming along? 


  1. Very true, when we desire something deeply, the Universe brings it to us. Sometimes not in the way we expect or the timing. But it does happen. Nice post. All the best for your new life in Dehradun.

    1. Thank you Suzy. Yes the universe does listen. And in unexpected ways, when we have almost forgotten those wishes, it fulfills them... :) Glad you enjoyed my musings.

  2. Reading your post made me happy, Pratikshya. So glad you got to spend time at home and do all that you wished to do. Dehradun is on my wish list as I have heard it is a beautiful place. Enjoy your stay and make new memories there. Don't stop blogging please, you write beautifully.

    1. Thank you.. :) Of course I plan to include blogging in my weekends. :) And I am happy you enjoyed reading the post. :)

  3. Wow, you sure had an amazing time back home - just being, as you put it. And you seem to have an exciting challenge ahead too.

    I am assuming you start college in Dehradun. What are you studying?

    1. Yes I am starting college once again after 2 years of job and a preparatory gap year. Joining M.Tech. :)

  4. My life is chugging along with its ups and downs. But I find that I am calm and content despite everything.
    This is how my June was

  5. Coffee is one of the best drink to fresh your body and mind. First time I see this coffee first time. I think that must be tasty.

  6. It's so wonderful that the Universe is giving you all that you asked for. I know the feeling of being home and doing things that you love. Glad that you had a good time with family and reading and writing too. All the best for your academics and new innings at Dehradun. It's a beautiful hill station. Have a great time, Pratikshya :)


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Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

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