On Anonymity : Sarahah and Other
Wrote the following piece sometime in 2017 when this app was doing the rounds. Sad that I didn't consider sinister messages and cyber crime or stalking or bullying aspect of it, which had made the news in a few months of it being popular. Any way, do leave your comments o the topic...
In defence of Sarahah.
Every thing on the
internet has its use and misuse. But in these virtues and vices how Sarahah
would fare, only time will tell. But I want to write a lot about why I am in
love with this app.
It's not that
previously we didn't have anonymous calls, text messages, facebook pings or
even emails. Connecting with hidden identity is no way a new concept or
thought. It was there in chat rooms of yesteryear, in romanticism of 'You Have
Got Mail', in fake accounts of Orkut and Facebook of a prospective fan, unnamed
letters from self professed unrequited lovers. While we used to block an
unknown number, or a blank call, a whatsaap ping or report an fb stalker or
unwarranted pokes- we are doing quite the opposite with Sarahah. We are
providing our circles and networks with that anonymity cloak that we created
ourselves. But the thing to note here is, we control who gets that cloak. Not
everyone can have it. (Or so I got the impression).
I love anonimity. It's
advantagous. It's power. It takes off burdern from your shoulders. You may
counter that those who shirk responsibility of their works do it anonymously. I
will argue that those who want their voices heard, without worrying about what
society or the other person would think, take this route. 'How would she react
if I told her this? Would she be astonished that it came from me? How had she
reacted had it not come from me?'
Sometimes we do need a
message but knowing the sender makes us not accept or believe it.
Anonimity creates impact, a large multiple that which people with faces can
create. We have authors who use their pen names to emphasize this fact.
'Who are you when no
one is seeing?' 'Who would you be when your identity is taken away from you?'
'Who would you be when no one knows you?' Movies that come to my mind on this
context are- 'Hema Hema sing me a song.' , ' V for Vendatta' , ' Letters to Juliet'
admiration, adoration, anger, prank , feedback , just a token of love .. penpals..
I love the idea of
sending out anonymous letters. Just love it. Whether i know the person or not
doesn't matter. One positive sentence can make their day. One sentence of love
and care can bring a smile to their face.
PS: Strange that the app is still there in app stores...
This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.
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