After all What's in a Name????
Shakespeare had said “what’s in a name?” A name is a
person’s identity- a measure of who he is?! How can a name describe one’s
personality or nature, or so to say –foretell his future? Name cannot be that
powerful. Nor can it be that vague…being called by one’s name, being referred
to by one’s own name is a mark of being respected, regarded.. One’s name is
one’s pride. But does it also bring good luck? Film stars and other celebrities
have been seen to have changed their names to fair well in their lives. Some
examples are Mahima Choudhry, Tia Bajpai, etc. who knows- may be it’s true…
Nowadays names such as “violet”, “green”,”lime” and all other colour names are
a hit. Name of months are also a hit-“may”,”april” “june”, “july” cool!!-
so they are remarked..
And my sister would search the net for new catchy names for
her characters in a new story, like parents searching a good name for their
newborn. And mind you, she wouldnt take your indian name's suggestions; only foreign names would suffice her
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