On Burnouts

“We need to stop glamorizing overworking. The absence of sleep, good diet, exercise, relaxation, and time with friends and family isn’t something to be applauded. Too many people wear their burnout as a badge of honour. And it needs to change.”

Get help when you think you require it. Do not try to be a super woman who can do it all. You do not have to multitask. Do not wait to take rest till you have a burnout.  

Weeks back I had a bad lower back pain that persisted for over 5 days. It was too painful for me to do anything but bedrest. There was cleaning to be done, washing utensils and cooking, of which I managed only the cooking part and the rest husband did. I am no superwoman and I cannot do it all. It is high time I acknowledge that I need help for household chores, now that covid lockdown restrictions have been removed. I cannot hustle everything. So for 5 days I did slow stretching and yoga postures for lower back strengthening, minimal sitting, laid on my back for hours reading on Kindle or browsing the phone. We ate Muesli for breakfast for the weak, and lunches were simple ones - what could be achieved with a pressure cooker - cooked once ate twice - for lunch and dinner. 

Electric hot bags, moov sprays, oil massage and lots of rest - I did it all but the stubborn pain took it’s sweet time to go away. Health is a top priority - everything else comes next.

“Put on your oxygen mask first, before you help others.” - do nothing, absolutely nothing at the cost of your own health. Accept it and acknowledge it when your body needs rest. Exercise is a must - it must be included in your routine.

And below a screenshot of her Insta story - again I found myself nodding to every sentence.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.


  1. Overworking reduces motivation and lowers the efficiency. You have taken up the right steps to ensure that your health is a priority. Nice post!

  2. Health is a huge priority indeed. No one can do it all. We need a bit of relaxation. Otherwise our bodies force us to lay back and take some much-needed rest!


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Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

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